Friday, August 9, 2013

Who protects us when the officials are the one doing the violence???

I see many news videos and I wonder to myself what situation does it have to be that a police officer has to use force? For some reason, in this country, it seems that police are going a little bit above the call of duty for what the situation is called for.
For example, in Ashland Oregon, there is a news report of a young girl, who was 11 years old with autism, that was walking naked down the highway. The girl was confused and seemed disoriented. A cab driver sees the girl and is driving along side her when he calls police to inform them about the girl. The policeman comes and asks the girl to stop walking. When she doesn't he pulls out his tazer and shoots the girl, causing her to seize up and fall face first to the ground. Here is the news report:

Tell me why couldn't a police officer handle an 11 year old girl without having to tazer her. They claim that it is because he wanted to stop her from maybe walking into traffic. Again why could he not subdue this girl without having to use force? The thing seems a little extreme.

But yet there is another incident and this involves two police officers from what I can see in the video.

So the story in this next video is about a man in Syracuse who is disabled. The man was wanting to ride a bus and paid his fare to do so but in order to not be in severe pain he chooses to stand up. The bus driver asked the man to sit down which he refused and police were called. Now there is alot of stuff going on in this video. For one I think the man should have told the bus driver that he was disabled way before the police were even called to this situation so things were made aware. Which from what I gather that was not done. But what gets me about the video is that the police say, "We are going to tazer you", lifts the man shirt up and shoots him once and then later shoots him again after he is already being dragged off the bus. There is two police officers there also. The man is standing in the front of the bus and you mean to tell me that two police officers can not lead a disabled man off the bus without using more extreme force. Watch the video:
The thing in this video that gets me is that even though they verbally asked him to get off the bus they did not even try to remove him. They just shoot him. Ask me that just seems a little extreme.

Now here is another video that has made it's way across the web. In this video a man by the name of Leon Rosby in Hawthorne, CA is filming police with his dog and camera phone when the police decide to arrest the man. The man had put his dog in the car before talking to police asking them why there is not a black officer there so there would be no racial discrimination. When police decide to arrest the man the dog gets upset and jumps out of the car window to come to the aid of his master. Instead of letting the man who is right there surrounded by police and with the man asking to put his dog back up. Police decide that they should shoot the dog instead. This video is graphic in nature:

So tell me why could they not let the man take care of his dog? And why would they arrest the guy when he is asking police why there was no black cops there?

These are only three example. Three small examples of police going to far with their actions but yet you can find more examples of this all over the internet, on Youtube. Do they not think they will be held accountable for their actions?

In the age we are in where there is cameras everywhere. Someone or something is being filmed all the time. Even back with people like Rodney King, There is extreme abuses of power that is going on. People being shot and tazered by police when the situations can be handled differently.

This stuff scares me. Look back at Occupy Wallstreet when police pepper sprayed peaceful protesters who were sitting on the ground.
Who protects us when law officials go to far? I can understand tazering someone who is like on some illegal drug who is acting uncontrollably who may do harm to themselves or to someone else. But an 11 year old girl, a disabled man. Come on people. I honestly want to put more videos up but you can find them anywhere yourself.
There needs to be a new type of training and officers need to be held more accountable than two weeks off of paid leave for their indiscretions. We need to find a way to put a stop to some of this. This seems to be getting out of hand.

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