Wednesday, August 14, 2013

So disgusted at the world right now. A Change Needs To Happen Not Only Here But Everywhere.

I have been watching this story. Actually been kind of disgusted at this story and I wanted to write about it sooner but honestly it is kind of hard to write about. If we had social media back in World War II I kind of wonder what social media would be like? And the reason why I ask this is because of the things right now that is going on in the world today with our LGBT brothers and sister.
I read an article that commented on something that a Human Rights worker said in an interview. They basically stated that they wish that LGBT equal rights would slow down in America and elsewhere because it is making it harder on LGBT in other countries. When I read this article I was like well that is stupid everyone deserve equal rights and if the superpowers of the world will accept gays then we can protect others in their struggle for personal freedoms. Well it kind of seems like that is going to have to wait and we need to act on the stuff that is going on now. 
For those of you who is reading this let me bring you up to date on what is going on in the world. 
In Zimbabwe, there are laws that make same sex activity illegal. This has been going on since 1995 but it is getting way worse. Under common law in Zimbabwe, sodomy is illegal. Sodomy there is defined as pretty much sex between two males while I don't think this is includes females also. Love the lesbians hate the gays I guess. Also in Zimbabwe you are not allowed to have any kind of gay porn, reading materials such as gay themed novels or movies or anything like that or what they consider to be undesirable. 
Laws passed in 2006 criminalizes any actions even perceived as being homosexual. So there can be no two same sex people holding hands, hugging or kissing. The Parliament there passed 15 additions to the "sexual deviancy" law in the Zimbabwe Criminal Code. Now the law states with not just sodomy that "any" contact between two males that "any" reasonable person think is indecent is punishable. 
Now the president in Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe, has been in power since 1987 and has been outspoken on his hatred of gays. He is currently wanting to pass legislation there to behead LGBT people. 
In Haiti, there was a protest of over 1000 anti-gay demonstrators. They were protesting homosexuality and an idea of having gay marriage legalized in Haiti. The people there have been attacking and beating severely gay people. There has actually been gay people killed over there by these protesters which Haiti police have been denying. 
Now let's talk about Russia and everything that is going on over there. Russia is really big in the news right now more than what the other two countries that I have talked about. Right now Russia has anti-gay laws on it's books, an anti-gay propaganda law. This law basically states that you can not do anything out in public that is homosexual. If you do you will get beaten and arrested and sent to jail. These laws are causing problems everywhere in Russia and it is bleeding out and being protested by other nations for is discrimination against the LGBT community. 
Lady Gaga and Madonna, during their last tour, did shows in Russia. They were warned by the Russian government not to do or say anything about homosexuals or they would be fined and arrested and sent to prison. Russia was not going to let them perform but decided to let them anyhow. Lady Gaga and Madonna have spoken out on Twitter against the laws and performed there and spoke about the injustice of these laws. They initially was not charged with anything but now since being even more vocal about these injustice, Russia is trying to press charges on them now. 
There is a Russian group call "Occupy Pedophilia" which is one of the results of the laws. This group is a bunch of vigilantes who is using social media and dating sites to lure unsuspecting gay people to areas where they meet up with them, coerce them to go somewhere else, then beat, torture and film them. This group takes videos of them verbally harassing the gays, forcing them to put inanimate object up inside them and beating them. They then post these to sites like Youtube. The group has even claimed to have even killed gays. Oh and by the way they are not just after any gay person. They like to target young, gay teens who are just coming out and trying to find their way. Their actions have caused many of these teens to kill themselves after surviving the attack because it is so horrific. 
Right now also going on is the fact that Russia is going to be hosting the 2014 Olympics. Russia's anti-gay laws are coming into question because there are so many gay people that compete in the event. The ruler there, Vladimir Putin, first stated that there would be no action taking against these people but now other people in their Parliament is stating that would not be the case. That the anti-gay propaganda law will be upheld. This has caused many countries including the US to protest these laws and the discrimination that is going on with it. Russia has stated the athletes would be allowed to compete as long as they did nothing that they would be homosexual in nature. That means no kissing or hugging your boyfriend or any other male for that matter if you won your event, no wearing a Pride Flag pin, carrying a LGBT flag or saying anything that would homosexual or supporting homosexuals. If you do you get carted to jail for 14 days and then kicked out of the country. 
Also making the news is about the famous news reporter in Russia. The news station is runed by the Kremlin and he stated this:

"I think ... [gays] should be banned from donating blood, sperm. And their hearts, in case of the automobile accident, should be buried in the ground or burned as unsuitable for the continuation of life."

Lovely huh? Can't you just feel the love coming from that. I would just love to have my heart burned if I am in an automobile accident. 
These laws in Russia are being compared to Hitler's first attacks on the Jews. Totally scary stuff. 

I read another article which stated that groups here in the United States are supporting the actions that is going on with other countries like Zimbabwe and Russia. Bryan Fisher of the American Family Association is actually speaking out in support of these laws. He feels that America should follow in their example. People like him know that they are losing the battle here in the states so they are turning their attention and money to places like Zimbabwe and Russia to support the discrimination and persecution of LGBT people. This is causing problems for Human Rights workers in these areas. The whole actions of these groups are disgusting. I do not understand the hatred that people have for the LGBT community. 

So this is some examples what is going on in the world and I am sure that if I looked more I would find more. With stuff like this I wonder what can I do? I hate the fact that I sit at home and I am not out in the streets yelling and protesting all of these things. It is horrible. Yet we even still have actions in the United States against homosexuals here. Sure the gay marriage legalization is taking off but here is a few examples that is going on here. 

There was a court case, Lawrence vs, Texas, which made consensual sex between two of the same sex legal. But not for Virginia. Virginia still continues to hold on to there sodomy laws even though it has been deemed unconstitutional. 
There was also a sheriff in Louisiana who was arresting people under the sodomy law also. They were going to a park and approaching gay people for sex and when the gay male said, "Sure let's go back to my apartment or house" they would arrest them for wanting to have gay sex. The prosecutors were throwing out the cases where this happened but the fact that they were doing in the first place is wrong. 
Also there has been numbers of gay hate crimes where gay men and women are being beaten and some even shot and killed. It is horrible.
Oh also did you know that in Missouri that I can be fired from my job and kicked out of my apartment for being gay. And that is not just Missouri that is also in others states too.  

I was asked one time why I chose to be gay. I explained to them that it was not a choice. It was how I was born. I was raised to be straight but I turned out to be gay. I read the events that are going on in the news and I ask myself why would anyone choose to be gay when it leads to a life of persecution. To be one of the most hated things in the world. I did not wake up one morning and say that I will be gay today let me get beaten, jailed or killed for holding my husbands hand. 
I feel bad for my LGBT brothers and sisters. I offer them my prayers to every God, prophet, idol or deity and hope that things get better. The only thing I can do is write on here and hope people will read it. Maybe if we write Congress or the President or someone, raise our voices so that things will change or we can force them to change other things. I don't know what to do I just know that these things need to stop. 

Thanks again for reading this. If you want to discuss any of this please feel free to leave any comments below. 

1 comment:

  1. You are aboslutely right! And if they slowed things down for LGBT my grandchildren's grandchildren still won't see any changes. So we don't want the hearts of gay people because we're scared evryone will turn gay???? LOL Well you can pass over that perfectly fine heart from a gay man, snd grab a defective one from a straight man that like to rape little girls! Which is worse? And I have always hated the double standards for lesbians and gay men. Just because it's women makes it "Okay"? This society kills me. I really and truly believe that everyone has had to come to some kind of crossroad in their life (whether you remember or not) to decide if they liked boys and girls. I am a married woman(to a MAN to any smargtasses) who has always supported for LGBT. I have raised my 2 boys to not hold ANY kind of prejudice towards anyone!
