Monday, August 5, 2013

I Went Out and Got Married and Nothing Happend

Well it happened. I done went out and got "gay married." That happened on July 18,2013. Let me tell you it was not all what it was cracked up to be. Lets just say that I did not see any unicorns appear shitting out rainbows and sprinkles. I also didn't see the sky open up and God strike me down dead. He must have been asleep. All in all it was kind of disappointing cause I was waiting for some big event to happen.
But here I am now on August 5, 2013 and let's just say that I have not received any phone calls or emails or messages saying that because I got married that their marriage and society has collapsed. Kind of disappointing cause I am all about ruining other people's lives especially if it is straight people. LOL.

You know it is funny. There is so much stuff being said about allowing gays to marry but I am not seeing anything happen. The most that I seen happen was when I putting my husband down for my military retirement benefits they had to give an ID card saying he was female until they updated their system. But nothing bad happened. My hubby has health insurance now.

But I am not seeing anything happening. Florida isn't getting destroyed by hurricanes. Kansas and Missouri isn't getting wiped out my tornadoes cause I got married. Where is all this madness that is suppose to happen that Pat Robinson and the American Family Association and Rush Limbaugh said was going to happen.

Well anyway just wanted to let everyone know that it was a hoax. Nothing bad happens when gay people get married and society stays just as screwed up as it already is. These states should just go ahead and make it legal for everyone and quit my jerks about it.

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