Friday, August 23, 2013

I have lost my faith....

I have a problem that is going on in my life. I have lost my faith. Not my faith in God or anything like but my faith in humanity. I have come to realize that humans will never do the right thing. It amazes me how people preach the word of God but yet they can not follow the word themselves. It is sad.
I spoke to my other the other day. Listened to her as she talked about going to church and how the preacher talked crap about Muslims and homosexuals. How he degraded them. Made them out to be less than human. My mother believed everything that he said even though she has never met a Muslim and even though she has a gay son. Maybe even two gays sons. The jury is out on that one yet. So because of that preacher my step-dad will send me emails of how we should lock all the Muslims up. He has even went as far as sending emails stating that we should kill all Muslims. That email got his email shut down and it took him a minute to get another one set back up.
Watched the news last night. The had a lesbian news reporter from Russia on. She is moving to the United States. New York to be exact. She has to leave the country cause Russia is getting ready to pass some legislation stating that same sex couples can not have kids and she doesn't want her kids taken away from her. Even though Russia has lots of kids to adopt, Americans are not allowed to adopt children from Russia because of our homosexuals here. It is sad.
I read in the newspaper about the three teenage boys who killed an Australian baseball player. It was a thrill kill. The teenagers said they didn't have anything to do so they killed him. Christopher Lane was the Australian's name. He was running down the road. The teenagers followed him and shot him in the back.
In Spokan, Washington, A WWII veteran named Delbert Belton was beaten and left for dead by two teens when he was trying to enter a Eagles Lodge to play pool. Why would you beat a helpless old man and someone who should be regarded as a hero.
What is going on in the world today. Why is there so much hatred and senseless violence. Everywhere I go I just see more and more. What is happening in this world today? It used to not be like this. At least not that I remember. Sure there was death everywhere but I don't think not at this level.
People shooting each other. The NRA trying to get more people to buy guns to protect themselves which only lead to even more violence. Shooters who are killing children. Vigilante groups stalking and beating homosexuals. Politicians running for office asking his opponents to sign papers stating that they are religious and against gay rights.
I can't take this. I so want to ignore it but I can't. Funny thing is I am being told by family to ignore it cause it isn't happening to you. What can I do to help stop this? Nothing has ever bothered me this bad before as bad as the way that things are now. I can not just sit here at my computer desk and watch things go idly by.
I want to get out there. Unite people bring them together and say in one loud voice that this has to stop.
Sorry for my ramblings. I really just had to voice my opinion today.
Thanks for reading and comment if you would like.

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