Friday, August 23, 2013

I have lost my faith....

I have a problem that is going on in my life. I have lost my faith. Not my faith in God or anything like but my faith in humanity. I have come to realize that humans will never do the right thing. It amazes me how people preach the word of God but yet they can not follow the word themselves. It is sad.
I spoke to my other the other day. Listened to her as she talked about going to church and how the preacher talked crap about Muslims and homosexuals. How he degraded them. Made them out to be less than human. My mother believed everything that he said even though she has never met a Muslim and even though she has a gay son. Maybe even two gays sons. The jury is out on that one yet. So because of that preacher my step-dad will send me emails of how we should lock all the Muslims up. He has even went as far as sending emails stating that we should kill all Muslims. That email got his email shut down and it took him a minute to get another one set back up.
Watched the news last night. The had a lesbian news reporter from Russia on. She is moving to the United States. New York to be exact. She has to leave the country cause Russia is getting ready to pass some legislation stating that same sex couples can not have kids and she doesn't want her kids taken away from her. Even though Russia has lots of kids to adopt, Americans are not allowed to adopt children from Russia because of our homosexuals here. It is sad.
I read in the newspaper about the three teenage boys who killed an Australian baseball player. It was a thrill kill. The teenagers said they didn't have anything to do so they killed him. Christopher Lane was the Australian's name. He was running down the road. The teenagers followed him and shot him in the back.
In Spokan, Washington, A WWII veteran named Delbert Belton was beaten and left for dead by two teens when he was trying to enter a Eagles Lodge to play pool. Why would you beat a helpless old man and someone who should be regarded as a hero.
What is going on in the world today. Why is there so much hatred and senseless violence. Everywhere I go I just see more and more. What is happening in this world today? It used to not be like this. At least not that I remember. Sure there was death everywhere but I don't think not at this level.
People shooting each other. The NRA trying to get more people to buy guns to protect themselves which only lead to even more violence. Shooters who are killing children. Vigilante groups stalking and beating homosexuals. Politicians running for office asking his opponents to sign papers stating that they are religious and against gay rights.
I can't take this. I so want to ignore it but I can't. Funny thing is I am being told by family to ignore it cause it isn't happening to you. What can I do to help stop this? Nothing has ever bothered me this bad before as bad as the way that things are now. I can not just sit here at my computer desk and watch things go idly by.
I want to get out there. Unite people bring them together and say in one loud voice that this has to stop.
Sorry for my ramblings. I really just had to voice my opinion today.
Thanks for reading and comment if you would like.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Something Very Important to Me, I Ask For Your Help.

I came across something last night that I had totally forgotten about. When I seen it I was like how stupid can I get?
Back in 1982, when I was 7 years old, there was this thing called GRID. Ever heard of it? Also known as Gay-related immune deficiency or sometimes called the "gay plague". I know you are sitting there and some of you know what I am talking about and others are like I have no clue what you are talking about. Well GRID, as it was called, later became known as AIDS. Now I know you know what that is. The reason why it was called that because there was a large number of homosexual men that was coming down with it. Liberace for example even the lead singer of Queen, Freddy Mercury.
Homosexual men, because there was lot of unprotected sex going on, became known as the big carriers of this disease and also because it was homosexual men that the symptoms first started popping up on. It was known that GRID was being spread through sexual promiscuity and through the use of intravenous drugs and poppers.
Later on the disease became known as AIDS, acquired immune deficiency syndrome. There was no way to treat AIDS at that time. There was no medications and the only thing doctors knew to do was to treat the symptoms of the disease and not the disease itself. Many, many wonderful people's lives were cut short by this disease. It truly was a horrible time for the gay community and later others as it became realized that not only homosexuals carry this disease.
On April 23, 1984, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary announced that they probable cause of AIDS have been discovered and in 1986 they discovered the human immunodeficiency virus, HIV.
Ok so I am not going to give you the whole history of HIV just know that because AIDS, which is still known as the "gay plague", is very prominent in gay men  that homosexuals became barred from donating blood.
As I write these blogs I do a lot of research. I want to make sure my information is correct and I am sitting here at my desk right now and I am looking at the CDC page.

They have fun facts on this page that I am going to share with you.

  • More than 1.1 million people in the United States are living with HIV infection, and almost 1 in 5 (18.1%) are unaware of their infection
  • Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM),1 particularly young black/African American MSM, are most seriously affected by HIV.
  • By race, blacks/African Americans face the most severe burden of HIV.

So here is the thing. With the new technology and tests that are coming out. There are a million ways that you can find out if you are HIV positive. They even have tests know where you can be tested and I think it is like an hour later you can find out the results. Even though we have these tests, homosexuals are still barred from giving blood. Another thing is to that even though homosexuals have a high chance of getting HIV, blacks also have a high chance of getting HIV too. I don't know why this is. And it is not just black men who also have sex with other men. 

Here is a fun fact, African Americans represent 12 percent of the United States population, but they also accounted for an estimated 44 percent of new HIV infections in 2010. Yet they are allowed to donate blood. Unless things changes and estimated 1 in 16 black men and 1 in 32 black women will be diagnosed with the HIV infection at some point in their lifetime. These are staggering numbers. 

But on the other hand, gay men represent 4 percent of the United States population and they account for 78 percent of new HIV infections among males and 63 percent of all new infections. 

So the point that I am trying to make is yes gays still do represent a high number of HIV infections but so do African Americans and yet gay people are barred from giving blood even with all the new tests and equipment out there. 

So here come the thing that I am asking. There is a petition that I am going to link here in a second asking for the bar to be lifted from homosexuals to donate blood. After going to the CDC site and reading the numbers that I posted you may not want to sign the petition. But here is the thing. Not all gay people have HIV. There is still a large number of people out there who do not have the disease and can donate blood to help replenish blood banks for hospitals and like the American Red Cross. I feel that it is discriminatory to not let homosexuals donate blood even through there are so many tests and to allow blacks, who is another high case, to donate blood. I understand that in the 1980s it was known as the "gay plague" but that is not the case now. HIV and AIDS show up in all races, in all walks of life, from children to the elderly. All blood is tested before it is put to use anyhow, no matter if you are gay or not, white or black, asian or hispanic. So why not allow gay people to donate blood also. Why are we the ones that are being discriminated against when other people are not.

Everyone has diversed opinions on this and it is fine. I understand that but now I am going to post the link for the site and allow you to make the choice. Will you sign the petition for me and other homosexuals allowing us to donate blood. The choice is yours. 

Please make the right decision and sign. 

Thank you, 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

So disgusted at the world right now. A Change Needs To Happen Not Only Here But Everywhere.

I have been watching this story. Actually been kind of disgusted at this story and I wanted to write about it sooner but honestly it is kind of hard to write about. If we had social media back in World War II I kind of wonder what social media would be like? And the reason why I ask this is because of the things right now that is going on in the world today with our LGBT brothers and sister.
I read an article that commented on something that a Human Rights worker said in an interview. They basically stated that they wish that LGBT equal rights would slow down in America and elsewhere because it is making it harder on LGBT in other countries. When I read this article I was like well that is stupid everyone deserve equal rights and if the superpowers of the world will accept gays then we can protect others in their struggle for personal freedoms. Well it kind of seems like that is going to have to wait and we need to act on the stuff that is going on now. 
For those of you who is reading this let me bring you up to date on what is going on in the world. 
In Zimbabwe, there are laws that make same sex activity illegal. This has been going on since 1995 but it is getting way worse. Under common law in Zimbabwe, sodomy is illegal. Sodomy there is defined as pretty much sex between two males while I don't think this is includes females also. Love the lesbians hate the gays I guess. Also in Zimbabwe you are not allowed to have any kind of gay porn, reading materials such as gay themed novels or movies or anything like that or what they consider to be undesirable. 
Laws passed in 2006 criminalizes any actions even perceived as being homosexual. So there can be no two same sex people holding hands, hugging or kissing. The Parliament there passed 15 additions to the "sexual deviancy" law in the Zimbabwe Criminal Code. Now the law states with not just sodomy that "any" contact between two males that "any" reasonable person think is indecent is punishable. 
Now the president in Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe, has been in power since 1987 and has been outspoken on his hatred of gays. He is currently wanting to pass legislation there to behead LGBT people. 
In Haiti, there was a protest of over 1000 anti-gay demonstrators. They were protesting homosexuality and an idea of having gay marriage legalized in Haiti. The people there have been attacking and beating severely gay people. There has actually been gay people killed over there by these protesters which Haiti police have been denying. 
Now let's talk about Russia and everything that is going on over there. Russia is really big in the news right now more than what the other two countries that I have talked about. Right now Russia has anti-gay laws on it's books, an anti-gay propaganda law. This law basically states that you can not do anything out in public that is homosexual. If you do you will get beaten and arrested and sent to jail. These laws are causing problems everywhere in Russia and it is bleeding out and being protested by other nations for is discrimination against the LGBT community. 
Lady Gaga and Madonna, during their last tour, did shows in Russia. They were warned by the Russian government not to do or say anything about homosexuals or they would be fined and arrested and sent to prison. Russia was not going to let them perform but decided to let them anyhow. Lady Gaga and Madonna have spoken out on Twitter against the laws and performed there and spoke about the injustice of these laws. They initially was not charged with anything but now since being even more vocal about these injustice, Russia is trying to press charges on them now. 
There is a Russian group call "Occupy Pedophilia" which is one of the results of the laws. This group is a bunch of vigilantes who is using social media and dating sites to lure unsuspecting gay people to areas where they meet up with them, coerce them to go somewhere else, then beat, torture and film them. This group takes videos of them verbally harassing the gays, forcing them to put inanimate object up inside them and beating them. They then post these to sites like Youtube. The group has even claimed to have even killed gays. Oh and by the way they are not just after any gay person. They like to target young, gay teens who are just coming out and trying to find their way. Their actions have caused many of these teens to kill themselves after surviving the attack because it is so horrific. 
Right now also going on is the fact that Russia is going to be hosting the 2014 Olympics. Russia's anti-gay laws are coming into question because there are so many gay people that compete in the event. The ruler there, Vladimir Putin, first stated that there would be no action taking against these people but now other people in their Parliament is stating that would not be the case. That the anti-gay propaganda law will be upheld. This has caused many countries including the US to protest these laws and the discrimination that is going on with it. Russia has stated the athletes would be allowed to compete as long as they did nothing that they would be homosexual in nature. That means no kissing or hugging your boyfriend or any other male for that matter if you won your event, no wearing a Pride Flag pin, carrying a LGBT flag or saying anything that would homosexual or supporting homosexuals. If you do you get carted to jail for 14 days and then kicked out of the country. 
Also making the news is about the famous news reporter in Russia. The news station is runed by the Kremlin and he stated this:

"I think ... [gays] should be banned from donating blood, sperm. And their hearts, in case of the automobile accident, should be buried in the ground or burned as unsuitable for the continuation of life."

Lovely huh? Can't you just feel the love coming from that. I would just love to have my heart burned if I am in an automobile accident. 
These laws in Russia are being compared to Hitler's first attacks on the Jews. Totally scary stuff. 

I read another article which stated that groups here in the United States are supporting the actions that is going on with other countries like Zimbabwe and Russia. Bryan Fisher of the American Family Association is actually speaking out in support of these laws. He feels that America should follow in their example. People like him know that they are losing the battle here in the states so they are turning their attention and money to places like Zimbabwe and Russia to support the discrimination and persecution of LGBT people. This is causing problems for Human Rights workers in these areas. The whole actions of these groups are disgusting. I do not understand the hatred that people have for the LGBT community. 

So this is some examples what is going on in the world and I am sure that if I looked more I would find more. With stuff like this I wonder what can I do? I hate the fact that I sit at home and I am not out in the streets yelling and protesting all of these things. It is horrible. Yet we even still have actions in the United States against homosexuals here. Sure the gay marriage legalization is taking off but here is a few examples that is going on here. 

There was a court case, Lawrence vs, Texas, which made consensual sex between two of the same sex legal. But not for Virginia. Virginia still continues to hold on to there sodomy laws even though it has been deemed unconstitutional. 
There was also a sheriff in Louisiana who was arresting people under the sodomy law also. They were going to a park and approaching gay people for sex and when the gay male said, "Sure let's go back to my apartment or house" they would arrest them for wanting to have gay sex. The prosecutors were throwing out the cases where this happened but the fact that they were doing in the first place is wrong. 
Also there has been numbers of gay hate crimes where gay men and women are being beaten and some even shot and killed. It is horrible.
Oh also did you know that in Missouri that I can be fired from my job and kicked out of my apartment for being gay. And that is not just Missouri that is also in others states too.  

I was asked one time why I chose to be gay. I explained to them that it was not a choice. It was how I was born. I was raised to be straight but I turned out to be gay. I read the events that are going on in the news and I ask myself why would anyone choose to be gay when it leads to a life of persecution. To be one of the most hated things in the world. I did not wake up one morning and say that I will be gay today let me get beaten, jailed or killed for holding my husbands hand. 
I feel bad for my LGBT brothers and sisters. I offer them my prayers to every God, prophet, idol or deity and hope that things get better. The only thing I can do is write on here and hope people will read it. Maybe if we write Congress or the President or someone, raise our voices so that things will change or we can force them to change other things. I don't know what to do I just know that these things need to stop. 

Thanks again for reading this. If you want to discuss any of this please feel free to leave any comments below. 

Friday, August 9, 2013

Who protects us when the officials are the one doing the violence???

I see many news videos and I wonder to myself what situation does it have to be that a police officer has to use force? For some reason, in this country, it seems that police are going a little bit above the call of duty for what the situation is called for.
For example, in Ashland Oregon, there is a news report of a young girl, who was 11 years old with autism, that was walking naked down the highway. The girl was confused and seemed disoriented. A cab driver sees the girl and is driving along side her when he calls police to inform them about the girl. The policeman comes and asks the girl to stop walking. When she doesn't he pulls out his tazer and shoots the girl, causing her to seize up and fall face first to the ground. Here is the news report:

Tell me why couldn't a police officer handle an 11 year old girl without having to tazer her. They claim that it is because he wanted to stop her from maybe walking into traffic. Again why could he not subdue this girl without having to use force? The thing seems a little extreme.

But yet there is another incident and this involves two police officers from what I can see in the video.

So the story in this next video is about a man in Syracuse who is disabled. The man was wanting to ride a bus and paid his fare to do so but in order to not be in severe pain he chooses to stand up. The bus driver asked the man to sit down which he refused and police were called. Now there is alot of stuff going on in this video. For one I think the man should have told the bus driver that he was disabled way before the police were even called to this situation so things were made aware. Which from what I gather that was not done. But what gets me about the video is that the police say, "We are going to tazer you", lifts the man shirt up and shoots him once and then later shoots him again after he is already being dragged off the bus. There is two police officers there also. The man is standing in the front of the bus and you mean to tell me that two police officers can not lead a disabled man off the bus without using more extreme force. Watch the video:
The thing in this video that gets me is that even though they verbally asked him to get off the bus they did not even try to remove him. They just shoot him. Ask me that just seems a little extreme.

Now here is another video that has made it's way across the web. In this video a man by the name of Leon Rosby in Hawthorne, CA is filming police with his dog and camera phone when the police decide to arrest the man. The man had put his dog in the car before talking to police asking them why there is not a black officer there so there would be no racial discrimination. When police decide to arrest the man the dog gets upset and jumps out of the car window to come to the aid of his master. Instead of letting the man who is right there surrounded by police and with the man asking to put his dog back up. Police decide that they should shoot the dog instead. This video is graphic in nature:

So tell me why could they not let the man take care of his dog? And why would they arrest the guy when he is asking police why there was no black cops there?

These are only three example. Three small examples of police going to far with their actions but yet you can find more examples of this all over the internet, on Youtube. Do they not think they will be held accountable for their actions?

In the age we are in where there is cameras everywhere. Someone or something is being filmed all the time. Even back with people like Rodney King, There is extreme abuses of power that is going on. People being shot and tazered by police when the situations can be handled differently.

This stuff scares me. Look back at Occupy Wallstreet when police pepper sprayed peaceful protesters who were sitting on the ground.
Who protects us when law officials go to far? I can understand tazering someone who is like on some illegal drug who is acting uncontrollably who may do harm to themselves or to someone else. But an 11 year old girl, a disabled man. Come on people. I honestly want to put more videos up but you can find them anywhere yourself.
There needs to be a new type of training and officers need to be held more accountable than two weeks off of paid leave for their indiscretions. We need to find a way to put a stop to some of this. This seems to be getting out of hand.

Monday, August 5, 2013

I Went Out and Got Married and Nothing Happend

Well it happened. I done went out and got "gay married." That happened on July 18,2013. Let me tell you it was not all what it was cracked up to be. Lets just say that I did not see any unicorns appear shitting out rainbows and sprinkles. I also didn't see the sky open up and God strike me down dead. He must have been asleep. All in all it was kind of disappointing cause I was waiting for some big event to happen.
But here I am now on August 5, 2013 and let's just say that I have not received any phone calls or emails or messages saying that because I got married that their marriage and society has collapsed. Kind of disappointing cause I am all about ruining other people's lives especially if it is straight people. LOL.

You know it is funny. There is so much stuff being said about allowing gays to marry but I am not seeing anything happen. The most that I seen happen was when I putting my husband down for my military retirement benefits they had to give an ID card saying he was female until they updated their system. But nothing bad happened. My hubby has health insurance now.

But I am not seeing anything happening. Florida isn't getting destroyed by hurricanes. Kansas and Missouri isn't getting wiped out my tornadoes cause I got married. Where is all this madness that is suppose to happen that Pat Robinson and the American Family Association and Rush Limbaugh said was going to happen.

Well anyway just wanted to let everyone know that it was a hoax. Nothing bad happens when gay people get married and society stays just as screwed up as it already is. These states should just go ahead and make it legal for everyone and quit my jerks about it.